AI Adventures #14 Polishing the game for demo release - "Forgotten Memories" - By Michael Marquez

Welcome to the final blog before graduation on June 2nd, marking the end of a long journey. As one chapter closes, another begins, doesn't it? Preparing the game for production has been quite a challenge, to say the least. The team and I have thoroughly enjoyed working on the game and have great hopes for its success. With additional time and dedication, we aim to address many, if not all, of the current issues before introducing more content. We have engaged in discussions about further enhancing the demo and taking it to the next level.

We have set the game's early access launch for the 31st of this month, just a few days away. This allows us a brief window to address minor issues identified by our testers, director, and instructors. We sincerely appreciate all the assistance we have received in reaching this milestone. Thank you all for following our blogs, and please remember that May 31, 2023, is the release day. We eagerly anticipate your presence on that day!

We will be utilizing the built in community pages on steam to continue the blogs, bug fixes and other activities. This is far from the last entry; it may just be the last one posted here for a while. Thanks again. 


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