Player Character Animations and HUD/UI interaction



Xodius Studios Blog #2

Player Character Animations and HUD/UI interaction

Author:Justin Palmer
Published: 02/23/2023 20:30

The Problem:

   This main problem I have been working on this week is getting the character to blend animations better.  I was just playing one animation or the other, but this causes the player to 'slide' around at times and loses the life-like feel of the game.  The second problem I encountered was getting the player animation to play.   It was made just like the other animations, such as jump, but Unreal didn't want to play the animation.  This problem resulted in the player dying, but still able to walk around with negative health, which makes the game too easy for any player wanting to play the game.


Problem Solution:

   The solution I came up with was getting help with the other teammates and adding a new variable 'Player Dead', that is sent to the animation graph.  This caused the animation to play correctly, but we still have the issue of locking the player movement and input when the player dies.  At the moment, the player can still slide around the floor and attack the enemies when they have negative health and death animation has finished.  It is still a work in progress.


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