Xodius Studios Jared Barker Blog #01: Perforce Error & Floor Trap Trigger Problem

Author: Jared Barker
Posted on February 14, 2023
7:57 PM

Xodius Studios Jared Barker Blog #01:

 Perforce Error & Floor Trap Trigger Problem

Perforce(P4) was experiencing some errors when doing the commit. What it did was that it kicked everyone out of perforce after working on a Trap collision box. Developers were having trouble hopping back into perforce because it messed with them accessing perforce because it's telling the users that they aren't in the "p4 protect". 

As for the floor trap trigger, the button click sound is activated when running the program. It can be problematic since it can cause massive headaches when messing with the audio. Everything else was working since the collision box was playing the sound. However, the sound plays whenever we start it up. That can cause a lot of issues when adding other sounds.


After doing some research, we realize that messing with the root file can overwrite the other user's progress as well as create the errors I mentioned earlier. It's really important to note that when using the perforce, you need to use a directory that's not in the root file (like for example: make a file for your workspace under the content file(Root file) and use it to create whatever you want to create in that file.), otherwise it will cause that perforce error. 

As for the floor trap, we have it where if the player gets to the collision box, it'll play the click sound. Not only that but we had the play sound at the location of our set node. So now when testing it, the sound doesn't play when it starts the test. So what happened was that the stop-playing node was connected to the cast-to-character node, but when we move the stop node to the set cast, the audio didn't play when running the project, thus fixing the sound problem. 


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