AI Adventures #8 - Magic Missiles for the Magic Caster - AI Enemies "Forgotten Memories" - By Michael Marquez
Magic Missiles
Creating the magic missiles seemed straight forward enough but turned into a daylong endeavor. I first ran in to issues when the colliders would not activate requiring me to rework the attack portion to check which of the AI were attacking. In this case it was the magic caster, once that was done, I noticed it was launching 90 degrees from it location and still pass damage. Other times I would only get damage but no effects. After some investigation, we found that the AI was facing the incorrect direction from the world space. Once that was fixed by adding a bit of vector math to the attack, we had our first successful impact.
The FIX and it was so simple once the actual problem was identified. Unreal is a Real pain sometimes.
Here are the final results of the magic caster, now just to fix the collisions to deal damage at the corresponding instant will be all that's left on this particular enemy type.
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