Level Streaming in "Forgotten Memories"

 Name: Jared Barker

Date: 4/18/2023

Time: 12:33 AM Est

Level Streaming in "Forgotten Memories"

The Problem:

So we've been doing a lot of redesigning and reoptimizing levels to save memory space and time in our project.

At first, we were trying to get world composition to work in our game. So the idea was that one level will load and the next level loads when the player goes to a certain location. We wanted to apply that to the landscape we have created and load the levels we created from the world level. However, when we tried to test it, it kept crashing, so we tried testing it at the landscape level. We tried adding an existing level in the level window and testing it that way, but it didn't appear when we run it and head to that location. 

The Solution:

So after a lot of research and a lot of testing, we figured out a way to level stream the levels. So we first had to use the landscape level. At that level, we added a test level under the landscape persistence level, and then we load that test level and move it to the location we wanted. Next, we go back into the persistence level and add "level streaming volume/s". Once that is done we go back to the other levels and go to the level details. In there, we assign the volumes inside the streaming volumes arrays. Once all of that is done, then the level streaming would work when testing the persistence level. 

This will be very helpful when we implement all of our levels in the testing phase. So that's what we've been doing recently and we'll be adding more of them before the release build.
