AI Adventures #11 - Testing on the Steam Deck Part Deux "Forgotten Memories" - By Michael Marquez

  Testing on the Steam Deck

  Where to begin, It has been a long month and now we are heading into our final month before graduation. Looking forward to it but also looking forward to having a bit more free time. We have decided to continue building the game while honing our skills in game development.

  Now on to the fun part, testing out on the Steam Deck. Well, we have some performance issues on the steam deck that I have been working on with graphics settings and code optimization. Although this is to be expected, I hoped it would be a bit easier to fix the underlying issue, optimization. Fixing Blueprints and building, building and rebuilding again. It's a super repetitive process to be honest, it goes a bit like this. 

  Think about the code, compile, build, push, play, debug and finally repeat. Literally is what we have found ourselves doing for the past few weeks, its simple to run in the editor, a bit different when running it on the final device it was intended for when testing. We have very little headroom on the Steam Deck itself, so it has been a bit challenging to get it running 100%. However, with the graphics options I have been able to get it running at a smooth 60 FPS across the board, It does not look much different form the epic settings but went from a whopping 11FPS to the current screenshots I promised from the last blog post. 

Above: Just messing with the textures it came brought the average up to 30FPS!

Finally, a buttery smooth 60FPS!! Well, that's all for now and will continue to update. Also, one Quick note, if you do not feel like messing with all the options, I have also added an Optimal Settings button that will Benchmark, Save and reload every time the game is launched. Next to tackle is the save system so we can fix other aspects of tracking equipment and you know an actual save system for continuing progress in the game. Super important upon release! Thanks for making it to the end.


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