Final Polish in "Forgotten Memories"

 Name: Jared Barker

Date: May 23rd, 2023

Time: 12:28 AM EST

Final Polish in "Forgotten Memories"

I'll keep it brief being that this will be our final log for this game. I managed to add atmospheric fog in the main level and I also added sounds for the game. 

For the atmospheric fog, I had to do some adjustments as well as confirm the adjustment to the rest of the team. One of the adjustments was the fog multiplier. The fog multiplier had to be adjusted to 80 and the density multiplier adjusted to 1.9. Also, I had to uncheck the atmosphere affecting the color. It was making the fog purple and it doesn't fit with the atmosphere for the main level. With all of these adjustments, it brought a wonderful atmosphere and emersion to the main level.

As for the sounds, some of them were added in the animation/animation montage, and others needed to be played in the blueprint. For the animation, I added sound notifications for the player's walk, death, etc. It needed to be adjusted with the pitch and volume multiplier to fit the player's actions as well as others' actions. As for the blueprint, I had to use "Play Sound 2D" for the player taking damage, arrow trap activating, fire crackling in the fireplace, door opening for the main door, etc. With that in mind, I also made sure that all of the sounds are cues and the cues are in the sound effect class while having the right volume and pitch multiplier sounds.

Other than that, everything should be good to go for the final build for our capstone. 


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