Xodius Studios Blog #11 - Breakable Pots! - By Justin Palmer



Xodius Studios Blog #11

Breakable Pots!

Author:Justin Palmer
Published: 05/11/23 21:00

The Problem:

    The main problem this week was making the game more enjoyable for the destructive players.  I wanted to make the pots breakable so the player can destroy them and relieve some stress and frustration.  The issue begins when the developer wants to split up a static mesh.  If you make a physics asset on import, the physics body is the entire body of the item, and therefore the structure is intact if you try to remove triangles/faces from the mesh.










Problem Solution:

    After doing some research a plugin called 'Apex Destruction' was found. (Settings -> Plugins -> Apex Destruction). This plugin turns a static mesh into multiple static meshes when hit.  By configuring the settings the pot now LOSES it's 'rigid sphere body' and turns into multiple parts, just like a broken pot!  This helps make the game feel more realistic to the player and helps relieve some of their stress from the day.




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